Azure Interview Questions Part #2

Q #1 Explain the fault domain
that it is a logical working domain in which the underlying hardware is sharing a common power source and switch network. This means that when VMs is created the Azure distributes the VM across the fault domain that limits the potential impact of hardware failure, power interruption or outages of the network.

Q #2 Explain the Update domain
It is a logical group that undergoes maintenance by rebooting the system. The system automatically distributes the created VMs across the updated domain that enables the user to run any one of the applications while the Azure platform is undergoing maintenance. The update domain does not work sequentially to the manual rebooting.

Q #3 What is blob and how many types are there in Azure
Blobs – Blob stands for Binary large objects & Azure Blob storage is Microsoft's object storage solution for the cloud. Blob storage is optimized for storing massive amounts of unstructured data. We have 3 types of blobs

·                  Block blobs – this is made up of blocks of data that can be managed individually upto 4.7TB. It stores text and binary data.

·                    Append Blobs – this is also made up of block as block blob but are optimized for append operations. This is ideal for scenarios such as logging data from virtual machines.

·                    Page Blobs – This is for random access files up to 8 TB in size. Page blobs store virtual hard drive (VHD) files and serve as disks for Azure virtual machines

Q #4 Difference between AV-Set and AV-Zone

Q #5 What is Service Principle & if you have contributor access can you create Service Principle.

An Azure service principal is an identity created for use with applications, hosted services, and automated tools to access Azure resources. This access is restricted by the roles assigned to the service principal, giving you control over which resources can be accessed and at which level. For security reasons, it's always recommended to use service principals with automated tools rather than allowing them to log in with a user identity.

Create an App >> Assing Role (permissions) >> Use App ID & certificates to give access to the app, hosted service and automated tools.

Contributor can not create the SP because its about giving access to the application.

Q #6 Are there any restrictions on using IP addresses within these subnets and what’s the smallest subnet that we can create.

Yes. Azure reserves 5 IP addresses within each subnet. These are x.x.x.0-x.x.x.3 and the last address of the subnet. x.x.x.1-x.x.x.3 is reserved in each subnet for Azure services.
  • x.x.x.0: Network address
  • x.x.x.1: Reserved by Azure for the default gateway
  • x.x.x.2, x.x.x.3: Reserved by Azure to map the Azure DNS IPs to the VNet space
  • x.x.x.255: Network broadcast address
The smallest supported IPv4 subnet is /29, and the largest is /8 (using CIDR subnet definitions). IPv6 subnets must be exactly /64 in size.

Q #7 How to reset the local admin password of VM

We can do that from Azure portal from the VM pane under Support and troubleshooting we have Password reset Option.

Q #8 How to reset the NIC

Q #9 Why we re-deploy the VM & what it does.

If you have been facing difficulties troubleshooting Remote Desktop (RDP) connection or application access to Windows-based Azure virtual machine (VM), redeploying the VM may help. When you redeploy a VM, Azure will shut down the VM, move the VM to a new node within the Azure infrastructure, and then power it back on, retaining all your configuration options and associated resources. You will loose the data on temp disk.

We can Redeploy from Azure portal under support and troubleshooting.

Q #10 What all you will do, if you are unable to RDP on Azure VM

1.     Reset Remote Desktop configuration.
2.     Check Network Security Group rules / Cloud Services endpoints.
3.     Review VM console logs.
4.     Reset the NIC for the VM.
5.     Check the VM Resource Health.
6.     Reset your VM password.
7.     Restart your VM.
8.     Redeploy your VM.

Stay Tuned for next part !!!!!!!

Azure Interview Questions Part- #1

In this blog we will talk about the frequently asked interview questions in case of Azure Administrators, Cloud engineers, Azure Engineers, Cloud Associates etc etc , basically these questions blogs would go from basic to intermediate and  latter post would also include advance questionnaire as well.

Since this is my first blog on Azure interview questions so we will start with basic three question that everyone should prepare which would create the first impression because you have prepared them well & why i am saying that because rest of the question you dont know but these three questions are yours and your experience on cloud so lets get started.

Question #1 : Talk about yourself or introduce yourself ?

Answer : We all know that its been asked so many times and our motive is cloud talk however this is our first blog so have to mention from the beginning. Here you can talk about you work experience, your career and anything you are confident with unless you see Interviewers are interested if you are going little off-track then technology but nothing wrong talking about other stuff but be the better judge of situation.

Question #2 : What you do in your daily life as a cloud engineer or what you actually do in Azure ?

Answer : This what i was talking about you can prepare this question like anything and you should everyone asks this question and this is your opportunity where you mention most of thing that you are comfortable with and explain is such a way that you know what you talking about, try to touch all the services which shows your cloud knowledge.

Question #3 : Describe any issue or scenario that you recently faced and fixed ?

Answer : This is the 3rd and last question where you can actually through a very good impression & i have seen this question quite often and i do ask my interview this helps me figure out about the interview a lot hence i would suggest you need to prepare at least 5 scenario or situations where you got stuck and what all troubleshooting steps you implemented to fix it. Usually what happens we do not face challenges everyday & if its been a while or few days we forget hence you need to prepare this question because this time ball is in your court. Also beware alot of questions may come with your explanation hence you should know your topics well.

************* Lets get started with Azure related questions **************

Question #4 : What type of disks used by Azure VM ?

Answer :  3 types of disks used by Azure VM :- OS Disk, Data Disk & Temporary Storage.

Question #5 :  Can you use the temporary storage or disk to store data ?

Answer : Its not recommended to use important data on temp storage or disk because you will risk loosing data & that cant be recovered because this space is on the host machine and in case of VM re-sizing, shutdown, updating host or hardware issue on host , your VM might move to different host.

Question #6 : Can you change the Drive letter of temporary Disk , if yes then How?

Answer : Yes you can change the Drive letter of the temporary disk by moving the page file to C:drive temporarily and then change the drive letter once done move the page file back to new Drive letter assigned temporary disk.

Question #7 : Can i add the existing machine to Av-set if  yes then how and if no whats the work-around ?

Answer : No, you can not move the existing VM to the AV-Set however if it has been asked to move the existing VM to Av-set then we need downtime for that & need to delete the VM and re-create the VM inside AV-Set. If there are many machines then you can utilize powershell script available on powershell center.

Question #8 : Can you change the size of OS-Disk if yes then how ?

Answer : Yes you can increase the size of OS-Disk but not decrease and you need to deallocate the VM for this means downtime required not much but yes it requires. Once VM is deallocated then you need to go to the VM >> settings >> Disk >> Os-disk >> Configuration >> increase the size.

Its not dome yet once it is increased from portal then you need to login to the VM and extend the disk from the disk management as well.

Question #9 : If you have stopped your Azure VM from inside a VM, would it incur changes ?

Answer : Yes it would you should atopp from Azure portal and VM should be in De-allocated state if you dont want additional charges.

Question #10 : How do you fix the issue if your NSG is fine but you still unable to RDP ?

Answer : Yes i have seen this issue & in this case we need to reset the RDP configuration from Azure portal that would fix the issue. "This process will enable Remote Desktop service in the VM, and create a firewall rule for the default RDP port 3389."

Series has been started, soon Part-2 be coming !!!!

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