Azure Interview Questions Part #9


Q #1  Where does Site Recovery replicate data to?

Q #2 Can I change the vault in which the configuration server is registered?

Q #3 Can I keep the IP address on fail-over?

Q #4  How far back can I recover?

Q #5 Is the fail-over automatic ?

Q #6 How do you check if process server is actually pushing data ?

Q #7 Can I change the target VM size or VM type before fail-over?

Q #8 How to refresh config server from Azure portal

Q #9 How to check the Process server connection to Azure blob storage

Q #10 If there Is no connectivity from the process server to Azure , what all services we need to check ?

Q #11 How to add cred in ovf template machine if you forgot to add cred

Q #12 How to generate the passphrase

***************************** Answers ****************************************

Q #1  Where does Site Recovery replicate data to?

Site Recovery replicates on-premises VMware VMs and physical servers to managed disks in Azure.

·        The Site Recovery process server writes replication logs to a cache storage account in the target region.
·        These logs are used to create recovery points on Azure-managed disks that have prefix of asrseeddisk.

When failover occurs, the recovery point you select is used to create a new target managed disk. This managed disk is attached to the VM in Azure

Q #2 Can I change the vault in which the configuration server is registered?

No. After a vault is associated with the configuration server, it can't be changed. But you can de-register first and follow the registration steps like a new config server registration. During this process all protected virtual machines under the config server is stopped.

Q #3 Can I keep the IP address on fail-over?

Yes, you can keep the IP address on failover. Ensure that you specify the target IP address in the Compute and Network settings for the VM before failover

Q #4  How far back can I recover?

For VMware to Azure, the oldest recovery point you can use is 72 hours.

Q #5 Is the fail-over automatic ?

No its not, you can start fail-over from portal or via PS.

Q #6 How do you check if process server is actually pushing data ?

On process server >> under task manager >> performance tab >> resource monitor >> Network tab >> Process and network Activity

Check cbengine.exe is actively sending a large volume of data.

Q #7 Can I change the target VM size or VM type before fail-over?

Yes, you can change the type or size of the VM at any time before failover. In the portal, use the Compute and Network settings for the replicated VM.

Q #8 How to refresh config server from Azure portal

Navigate to the recovery vault >> under Manage >>  Site recovery infrastructure >> Click configuration server under VMware & physical machines >> select the configuration server and select the option refresh config server.

Q #9 How to check the Process server connection to Azure blob storage

On process server >> under task manager >> performance tab >> resource monitor >> Overview >> select cbengine.exe >>

Under TCP connections, check whether there is connectivity from the process server to Azure storage.

Q #10 If there Is no connectivity from the process server to Azure , what all services we need to check ?

1.      Verify that the following services are running:
o   cxprocessserver
o   InMage Scout VX Agent – Sentinel/Outpost
o   Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent
o   Microsoft Azure Site Recovery Service
o   tmansvc
2.      Start or restart any service that isn't running.

3.      Verify that the process server is connected and reachable

Q #11 How to add cred in ovf template machine if you forgot to add cred

you can add credential from the configuration server , log in to the config server and launch CSPSConfigtool.exe, click add

Q #12 How to generate the passphrase

  1. Sign in to your configuration server, and then open a command prompt window as an administrator.
  2. To change the directory to the bin folder, execute the command cd %ProgramData%\ASR\home\svsystems\bin
  3. To generate the passphrase file, execute genpassphrase.exe -v > MobSvc.passphrase.
  4. Your passphrase will be stored in the file located at %ProgramData%\ASR\home\svsystems\bin\MobSvc.passphrase.

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