Lets Plan Azure DevOps Solution

Azure DevOps is a comprehensive suite offered by Microsoft that integrates software development, continuous integration, and continuous delivery processes to provide an end-to-end DevOps toolchain. This solution is tailored to meet the needs of both developers and operations teams, providing the tools, services, and capabilities required to build, test, deploy, and monitor applications efficiently and securely.


When assessing a customer's needs for an Azure DevOps solution, you'd typically want to cover a wide range of areas to fully understand their requirements, current environment, and specific goals. Below is a comprehensive questionnaire that you can consider:


1. Project & Environment:

  • Question: What is the nature and scope of your project? Is it a web application, a mobile app, or perhaps an IoT project?
    • Why: Understanding the nature of the project helps in recommending the right build, test, and deployment strategies.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Web Application: The solution might involve setting up CI/CD pipelines that build and deploy to Azure App Service or a similar platform. Testing would be geared towards browsers and web-specific vulnerabilities. Deployment could be blue-green to ensure minimal downtime.
      • Mobile App: The build process would need to cater to iOS and/or Android platforms. Deployment would focus on app stores, and testing might involve mobile device emulators or real device testing using platforms like App Center.
      • IoT Project: The build might need to produce firmware images. Deployment could involve pushing updates to devices in the field, requiring careful orchestration. Testing might involve device-specific scenarios, potentially including hardware in the loop testing.

Question: Do you currently use any version control systems? If so, which ones?


Why: To understand the existing code management practices and gauge the need for migration or integration.

How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:

No VCS: This indicates a foundational need to introduce version control, which is essential for collaborative development, code safety, and rollback capabilities. The solution would involve introducing and training the team on Azure Repos.


Git (e.g., GitHub, Bitbucket): If already using Git, it means the team is familiar with distributed version control. The solution might involve directly integrating with Azure DevOps or potentially migrating repositories to Azure Repos, if desired. Processes like Pull Requests and branch policies might already be in place, making the adoption of Azure DevOps more seamless.


TFVC or SVN: If using centralized version control like TFVC or SVN, the team might either continue with it in Azure DevOps or consider transitioning to Git. The solution might involve training, repository migration, or integration.

Question: Are there any other DevOps tools or practices currently in place?

  • Why: To ascertain the existing DevOps maturity, which tools are being used, and how they might fit or be replaced within the Azure DevOps ecosystem.
  • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
    • No DevOps Tools: This indicates a significant opportunity to introduce automation and integration, streamlining development operations. The solution would involve introducing CI/CD, artifact management, and potentially other Azure DevOps services.
    • Tools like Jenkins, JIRA, CircleCI: If using such tools, it's about understanding how they can integrate with Azure DevOps or if a migration is desired. For example, Jenkins can be integrated with Azure Pipelines, or build processes might be moved entirely to Azure Pipelines.
    • Practices like Infrastructure as Code: If practices like IaC using tools like Terraform are in place, the solution might involve integrating these tools with Azure DevOps for a cohesive infrastructure and application deployment process.


Question: How is your development team structured?

  • Why: To understand the development methodology and collaboration pattern, ensuring that project management and collaboration tools are set up optimally.
  • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
    • Agile/Scrum: If the team follows Agile or Scrum, Azure Boards can be tailored to manage sprints, backlogs, and user stories. The solution would involve setting up dashboards, iterations, and work item types suited for Agile processes.
    • Waterfall: For more traditional approaches like Waterfall, Azure Boards can be customized to track phases and milestones instead of sprints. The solution would focus on setting up a hierarchy of requirements, tasks, and bug items.
    • Mixed/Hybrid: If the team follows a combination, like using Agile for software development but Waterfall for infrastructure projects, Azure DevOps can cater to this with a mix of customizations. The solution would involve a careful setup of Azure Boards and Pipelines to cater to both methodologies.


Source Code Management:

  • Question: How do you manage your source code currently?
    • Why: To determine the existing code management practices and evaluate the need for integration, migration, or the establishment of new practices.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Local Management: If code is managed locally without a centralized system, there's a pressing need to introduce a version control system for collaboration, code safety, and traceability. Solution would involve setting up Azure Repos and training the team on its usage.
      • Git (e.g., GitHub, Bitbucket): If they're using Git-based platforms, it suggests the team understands distributed version control. The solution can focus on integrating these platforms with Azure DevOps or migrating to Azure Repos.
      • SVN or other centralized VCS: Indicates the team might benefit from transitioning to a distributed system like Git, or they might want to stick with centralized systems. The solution could involve migration or leveraging Azure Repos to support their preferred method.

 Version Control Preference:

  • Question: Do you have a preference for Git or Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) in Azure DevOps?
    • Why: To understand the team's familiarity and comfort with a particular version control system and ensure the Azure DevOps setup aligns with their preference.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Git: A preference for Git indicates the team values distributed version control. The solution would ensure that Azure Repos is set up with Git, and processes like Pull Requests, and Continuous Integration are optimized for Git workflows.
      • TFVC: A preference for TFVC means they value centralized version control. The Azure DevOps environment would be tailored to support TFVC, ensuring efficient code check-ins, workspace management, and potentially integrating with older projects.

Branching & Merging:

  • Question: Do you need assistance with branching and merging strategies?
    • Why: Branching and merging are pivotal to efficient code management and releases. Understanding challenges or needs in this area can help in ensuring smooth development cycles and reduced integration issues.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Yes, Need Assistance: If they need help, it suggests their current strategies might be causing conflicts or inefficiencies. The solution would involve a deep dive into their current processes, recommending best practices like feature branching, Git flow, or trunk-based development, and providing training if necessary.
      • No, Have Established Strategies: Indicates the team is comfortable with their current approach. The solution would ensure that Azure DevOps respects and integrates smoothly with these strategies, making tweaks only if there's a clear benefit.


Current Build & Release Process:

  • Question: Describe your current build and release process.
    • Why: To evaluate the maturity of their existing CI/CD practices and to identify potential bottlenecks, inefficiencies, or areas of improvement.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Manual Process: If code is compiled and deployed manually, this indicates a significant opportunity for automation. Implementing CI/CD pipelines in Azure DevOps can reduce human errors, speed up releases, and increase reproducibility.
      • Semi-Automated: If some automation tools are in play but deployments are manual, or vice versa, the solution would focus on bridging the gaps to achieve a full end-to-end automated pipeline.
      • Fully Automated: If there's a complete CI/CD system in place, the solution might involve integrating with or migrating to Azure Pipelines, fine-tuning their existing practices, and ensuring seamless transition without disrupting their current flow.

Build & Release Tools:

Question: Are there specific build or release tools you're currently using?

Why: To understand their current ecosystem, check for potential integrations with Azure DevOps, or to see if a migration or replacement is desirable or necessary.

How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:

Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI: If using these CI tools, it might either be about integrating them with Azure DevOps or potentially migrating the build processes to Azure Pipelines, depending on the depth of usage and specific needs.


Docker, Kubernetes: If containerization tools are in play, the solution can revolve around Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and Azure Container Registry (ACR), ensuring that container-based workflows are smoothly integrated into Azure DevOps.


Ansible, Chef, Puppet: For configuration management tools, the solution would ensure integration points with Azure DevOps are established, allowing these tools to play their role in the deployment process.


Build & Release Frequency:

  • Question: What kind of build and release frequency do you aim for (e.g., continuous integration, daily builds, weekly releases)?
    • Why: This helps in gauging the pace at which they want to deliver changes, which in turn dictates the kind of infrastructure, testing, and feedback loops they'll need.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Continuous Integration: Indicates they aim for instant feedback after code commits. The solution would involve setting up CI triggers in Azure Pipelines, ensuring that every code push initiates a build and possibly a set of tests.
      • Daily Builds: If they aim for daily builds, it suggests a balance between rapid feedback and accumulated changes. The solution would establish a daily build schedule in Azure Pipelines, focusing on nightly builds and potentially automated testing sessions post-build.
      • Weekly Releases: This slower pace means they might batch changes and features, releasing them periodically. The solution would ensure that Azure Release Pipelines are set up to deploy to staging and production environments in a phased manner, possibly with manual approval gates.

Top of Form

Usage of Package Managers:

  • Question: Do you use or plan to use package managers like npm, NuGet, Maven, etc.?
    • Why: To understand their software dependency management practices, which can affect build processes, storage requirements, and even deployment strategies.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • npm: If they are using or planning to use npm, it indicates a reliance on Node.js or JavaScript frameworks. The solution will need to ensure Azure Pipelines can restore npm packages efficiently during build processes.
      • NuGet: This would mean a .NET development framework in play. The Azure DevOps environment would be tailored to restore .NET dependencies during the build phase seamlessly.

Maven: Suggests Java development. The solution would be structured to fetch Java dependencies and potentially cache them for faster subsequent builds.

Azure Artifacts for Package Management:

  • Question: Would you like to store and manage these packages using Azure Artifacts?


·       Why: Azure Artifacts allows teams to host, share, and manage packages, ensuring a centralized, secure, and efficient way to manage software dependencies. Understanding their interest helps in planning storage and accessibility configurations.

           How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:

·       Yes: Indicates they are interested in centralizing their package management, possibly for consistency and security. The solution would involve setting up Azure Artifacts, organizing feeds, and integrating them into CI/CD processes, ensuring that packages are fetched from and stored into Azure Artifacts as needed.

·       No, Use External Repositories: If they prefer external repositories like npm public registry or NuGet.org, the solution will ensure that Azure DevOps integrates smoothly with these repositories, possibly caching frequently used packages for efficiency.

·       Undecided: This opens a window for consultation. The solution might present the benefits of Azure Artifacts, such as consistent package versions, security of private packages, and efficient handling of internal proprietary packages.


Testing Practices:

  • Question: What testing practices do you currently employ (unit testing, integration testing, UI testing)?
    • Why: To ascertain the current quality assurance mechanisms, which will determine how testing fits into the CI/CD process and what tools or integrations might be required.

How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:

      • Unit Testing: If they employ unit testing, this indicates a practice of verifying individual components in isolation. In Azure DevOps, the solution would ensure these tests are executed as an early step in the CI pipeline, catching issues early.
      • Integration Testing: This would mean they are verifying interactions between components. The solution would structure the CI/CD pipeline to handle these tests after successful unit tests, potentially using tools or platforms that facilitate such testing.
      • UI Testing: Suggests they are validating the user interface, possibly with tools like Selenium. The solution would integrate these tools with Azure Pipelines, ensuring UI tests run perhaps post-deployment to a staging environment.

Automated Testing in CI/CD:

  • Question: Are you looking to automate your testing process as part of your CI/CD pipeline?
    • Why: To understand their goals around streamlining testing and ensuring rapid feedback on code quality within their development lifecycle.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Yes: Indicates a desire for rapid, consistent feedback on code changes. The solution would integrate their testing tools and frameworks into Azure Pipelines, ensuring tests are triggered at appropriate pipeline stages.
      • No: This might mean they have manual quality assurance processes or are not yet ready to transition. The solution would then accommodate manual intervention points in the CI/CD pipeline, perhaps with manual approval gates post-deployment for testing.
      • Partial Automation: They might want to automate specific tests but retain manual control over others. The solution would carefully design the pipeline to cater to this hybrid approach.


Defect & Issue Management:

  • Question: How do you currently manage defects and issues?
    • Why: To comprehend their current issue tracking mechanisms, which will influence how Azure Boards or integrations with other issue tracking tools will be set up.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Azure Boards: If they already use Azure Boards, it suggests they might need deeper integrations, workflows, or customizations within Azure DevOps.
      • JIRA, Trello, etc.: Using external tools means the solution might focus on integrating these platforms with Azure DevOps, ensuring a seamless flow of information between development and issue tracking.
      • Manual/Spreadsheets: Indicates a potential area of improvement. The solution would introduce Azure Boards or another issue tracking platform, highlighting the benefits of traceability, collaboration, and efficiency.



Deployment Environment:

  • Question: Describe your current deployment environment. Is it cloud-based, on-premises, or hybrid?
    • Why: To understand the infrastructure they are working with, which dictates deployment configurations, tools, and potential challenges.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Cloud-based: If their setup is predominantly in the cloud (like AWS, GCP, or Azure), the solution will focus on optimizing deployments for cloud environments, possibly leveraging services like Azure Web Apps, Kubernetes, or VMs.
      • On-premises: Indicates they have local data centers or servers. The solution would consider tools and strategies that bridge Azure DevOps with on-prem systems, ensuring smooth deployments and potentially even hybrid scenarios if desired.
      • Hybrid: A mix of both worlds suggests they might have some services in the cloud and some locally. The solution will aim for an integrated approach, ensuring both environments are in sync and deployments are consistent across the board.

Deployment Environments:

Question: Are there specific environments you deploy to (e.g., development, staging, production)?


Why: To gauge their software delivery lifecycle stages, ensuring that the CI/CD processes align with their testing, staging, and production release strategies.


How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:

·       Development: Indicates an environment for initial testing and validation. The solution would ensure early-stage deployments here, potentially after a CI build.

·       Staging: This is usually a mirror of production for final checks. The solution would set up deployment gates, ensuring that code moves to staging post CI and perhaps pre-manual checks or automated tests.

·       Production: The final environment for end-users. The solution would ensure secure, consistent, and potentially blue-green or canary deployment strategies here, reducing downtime and ensuring seamless releases



Platforms with Azure DevOps:

  • Question: Would you be using Azure or other platforms in conjunction with Azure DevOps?
    • Why: To understand potential integrations, configurations, and any complexities that might arise from using multiple platforms or services.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Azure: If they are invested or planning to use Azure services, the solution would ensure tight integration between Azure DevOps and Azure services, leveraging native tools and services for an optimized CI/CD experience.
      • Other Cloud Platforms (AWS, GCP): Indicates a need for cross-cloud deployment or management. The solution would integrate necessary plugins or tools with Azure DevOps, ensuring smooth deployments across multiple cloud vendors.
      • Other DevOps Platforms (Jenkins, GitLab): Using other CI/CD tools might mean they want to integrate or migrate. The solution would either ensure Azure DevOps works in tandem with these tools or facilitate a smooth transition to Azure Pipelines.


Application Monitoring:

  • Question: How do you currently monitor your applications in production?
    • Why: To gauge their current methodologies in tracking application performance, error rates, and usage patterns which can influence how the DevOps process integrates with or enhances these systems.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Azure Monitor/Application Insights: If they're using Azure's monitoring tools, the solution will ensure that Azure DevOps integrates closely, allowing for direct linking of issues to deployments or code changes.
      • Third-party Tools (e.g., New Relic, Datadog): Indicates a preference or reliance on external monitoring ecosystems. The solution would involve integrating alerts or metrics from these platforms into Azure DevOps, potentially influencing the build or release decisions.
      • Minimal/No Monitoring: This is a potential area of improvement. The solution could introduce them to robust monitoring tools, highlighting the benefits of proactive application monitoring and the insights it provides.


Integration of Monitoring Tools:

  • Question: Are you interested in integrating monitoring tools and feedback into your DevOps pipeline?
    • Why: This ascertains their desire to have a closed feedback loop, where monitoring insights potentially affect the CI/CD pipeline, fostering a truly DevOps-centric approach.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Yes: Shows they want real-time feedback from production to influence development. The solution would ensure monitoring alerts could trigger specific DevOps actions – like a rollback of a deployment if a certain error rate is detected.
      • No: They might prefer a more segmented approach. While monitoring would still be in place, it might not directly influence the DevOps processes, requiring manual interventions.
      • Undecided: Provides an opportunity to showcase the advantages of a tightly integrated feedback loop, like quicker response times to issues.


Feedback Management:

  • Question: How do you manage and prioritize feedback?
    • Why: To understand their feedback management mechanisms, which can dictate how Azure Boards or other work item tracking tools will be set up and used.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Azure Boards/DevOps Tools: If they use Azure Boards or similar, it suggests they might need workflows to categorize, prioritize, and address feedback in a structured manner.
      • External Platforms (e.g., JIRA, Trello): Using other tools indicates the need to either migrate or integrate these tools with Azure DevOps, ensuring a smooth flow between feedback and development.
      • Manual/Spreadsheets/Emails: Signifies an area ripe for optimization. The solution would introduce structured feedback management tools, demonstrating the efficiency and traceability they provide.

Team Collaboration:

Question: How does your team collaborate on work items, bugs, and features?

Why: To comprehend their current methods for teamwork on various tasks, which can shape the configuration of Azure Boards or other similar tools to best serve their needs.

How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:

Dedicated Platforms (e.g., JIRA, Trello): If they're using dedicated task management platforms, the solution can focus on either migrating data to Azure Boards or integrating the current tool with Azure DevOps.

Emails/Meetings: Indicates a more informal or ad-hoc method of collaboration. The solution could introduce a more structured tool like Azure Boards, showing the benefits of centralized tracking and discussions.

Integrated within IDE (e.g., Visual Studio Tasks): Shows a preference for tightly coupled task management with development. The solution would ensure Azure DevOps integrates well with their IDEs, allowing seamless transition between tasks and code.



Interest in Azure Boards:

  • Question: Would you be interested in using Azure Boards for planning, tracking, and discussing work?
    • Why: To gauge their openness to adopting or transitioning to Azure Boards, helping shape the solution's strategy for task management.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Yes: They are open to trying or moving to Azure Boards. The solution would ensure a seamless setup, migration (if necessary), and training to get them started.
      • No: They might be satisfied with their current tools. The solution would then focus on integration between their preferred tool and Azure DevOps.
      • Maybe/Need More Information: An opportunity to present the features and benefits of Azure Boards, ensuring they have the information they need to make an informed decision.


Reports & Dashboards:

  • Question: What kind of reports or dashboards would be beneficial for your team?
    • Why: Dashboards and reports are vital for quickly understanding project health, progress, and areas of concern. This question helps tailor the information presentation to the team's specific needs.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Sprint/Iteration Reports: Indicates an agile approach. The solution would set up Azure DevOps to highlight sprint progress, burndown charts, and feature completion rates.
      • Bug and Issue Tracking: Shows a focus on quality and issue management. The solution would emphasize bug trends, open vs. closed issues, and potentially hotspots in the code.
      • Build & Deployment Metrics: Reflects a DevOps-centric approach. The solution would ensure Azure DevOps showcases build successes/failures, deployment frequencies, and perhaps even post-deployment metrics.


Security and Compliance Standards:

  • Question: Are there specific security or compliance standards your project must adhere to?
    • Why: Projects, especially in industries like healthcare, finance, or government, may have stringent compliance needs. Knowing these upfront ensures the DevOps solution respects these requirements.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • HIPAA: If they need to adhere to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, the solution will emphasize ensuring the protection of sensitive patient data. This might include encrypted data transfers, secure storage solutions, or specific audit trails.
      • GDPR: If the General Data Protection Regulation is mentioned, it indicates the need for strong data protection and privacy practices, especially for projects serving European citizens.
      • PCI DSS: Indicates handling of credit card transactions. The solution would ensure secure code practices, encrypted data storage and transfers, and regular security audits.


Permissions and Access Control:

  • Question: How do you handle permissions and access controls in your current tools?
    • Why: Understanding their current methodology for access control helps in setting up similar (or improved) permission structures in Azure DevOps, ensuring only authorized personnel can access and modify specific parts of the project.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Role-based Access Control (RBAC): If they use RBAC, they have defined roles (e.g., developer, tester, admin) with specific permissions. The solution in Azure DevOps would replicate or refine these roles, ensuring a smooth transition.
      • Individual Permissions: If permissions are assigned on an individual basis, it might indicate a smaller team or specific security requirements. The solution would provide granular control in Azure DevOps, letting them specify access at a detailed level.
      • No Defined System/Ad-hoc: Indicates a potential area to introduce structured access control, ensuring that as their team or project grows, they maintain a secure and organized permission system.



Experience with DevOps Tools:

  • Question: Does your team have experience with Azure DevOps or any other DevOps tools?
    • Why: Gauging the team's familiarity with Azure DevOps or similar platforms can guide the rollout strategy, training needs, and potentially influence configurations based on past experiences.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Experienced with Azure DevOps: This indicates they might already have some established processes and preferences. The solution could then focus on optimization, migration, or scaling, rather than starting from scratch.
      • Experience with Other DevOps Tools (e.g., Jenkins, GitLab): Shows they have foundational DevOps knowledge but might need specific Azure DevOps guidance. The solution could integrate or migrate from these tools, leveraging their existing knowledge base.
      • No Significant Experience: Indicates a potential greenfield setup and a stronger need for foundational training.


Training and Assistance:

  • Question: Would you require training or assistance for your team to onboard onto Azure DevOps?
    • Why: This determines the extent of support needed post-setup, ensuring the team can effectively utilize Azure DevOps to its full potential.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Yes, Comprehensive Training: Indicates a desire for in-depth knowledge. The solution would include a structured training plan covering all Azure DevOps facets, possibly with hands-on sessions and workshops.
      • Only Initial Setup and Best Practices: Shows they might have some basic understanding but need guidance for optimal usage. The solution would then provide focused training sessions on best practices and advanced features.
      • No Training Needed: Suggests they feel confident in their ability to navigate Azure DevOps. The solution might still offer documentation, references, or a channel for questions to support their self-driven exploration



Concerns about Adoption:

  • Question: Are there any concerns about the adoption of Azure DevOps in your organization?
    • Why: Unearthing concerns or reservations can guide the conversation, address potential misconceptions, or highlight genuine challenges to be tackled during the implementation phase.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Cost Concerns: If budget is a worry, the solution could focus on a phased rollout or demonstrate the ROI of Azure DevOps in terms of time saved, increased productivity, or reduced errors.
      • Integration with Existing Tools: Indicates they have investments in other tools they don't want to abandon. The solution would focus on integrations, ensuring Azure DevOps works seamlessly with their existing ecosystem.
      • Organizational Change Resistance: If there's hesitancy due to change management, the solution would incorporate strategies to ease the transition, like pilot programs, success stories, or executive buy-in.


Integration with Third-party Tools:

  • Question: Are there third-party tools or systems you wish to integrate with Azure DevOps?
    • Why: Integration needs can greatly influence the configuration and customization of Azure DevOps. Knowing these tools can guide the technical approach and help prioritize which systems to integrate first.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Dedicated CI/CD Tools (e.g., Jenkins, CircleCI): If they mention these, they might be looking for a hybrid solution where Azure DevOps manages some aspects while other processes are handled externally. Integration bridges or connectors would be required.
      • Project Management & Tracking (e.g., JIRA, Trello): Indicates they want to retain their project management tools while benefiting from Azure DevOps' other features. The solution might include bidirectional sync or integration plugins.
      • Cloud Platforms (e.g., AWS, GCP): Shows a potential multi-cloud scenario or specific cloud-based tools they use. The solution would ensure seamless deployments or integrations with these platforms from within Azure DevOps.


Using Marketplace Extensions:

  • Question: Are you open to using marketplace extensions to enhance Azure DevOps capabilities?
    • Why: The Azure DevOps marketplace has a myriad of extensions that can enhance functionality, add new features, or improve integrations. Understanding their openness to these can guide the customization and enhancement strategy.
    • How the Answer Helps in Building the Solution:
      • Yes: Indicates they are proactive about leveraging available tools to enhance Azure DevOps. The solution could explore best-fit extensions based on their requirements, potentially saving development time or adding robust features.
      • No: Suggests a preference for out-of-the-box functionality or concerns about third-party tools. The solution would then be tailored using native Azure DevOps capabilities, ensuring they get the most out of the platform without external additions.
      • Maybe/Need More Information: An opportunity to showcase some top extensions or those specifically relevant to their needs, ensuring they understand the potential benefits.

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