Deciding the Placement of Application Gateway: Hub vs. Spoke Subnet

The decision to place an Application Gateway in a hub subnet or a spoke subnet in an Azure virtual network (VNet) topology depends on several factors, including network architecture, traffic patterns, management complexity, and security requirements. Here’s a guide to help determine the best placement:

Hub-and-Spoke Network Topology

Hub: A central VNet that acts as a shared resource zone and typically contains common services such as AD, DNS, firewall, and VPN gateways.

Spoke: Individual VNets that host specific workloads or applications. These VNets are connected to the hub through VNet peering.

Criteria for Deciding Placement

Deploying Application Gateway in the Hub Subnet

1. Centralized Management and Control

Condition: If you prefer to manage security and routing policies centrally.

Rationale: Centralizing the Application Gateway in the hub allows for consistent security policies, such as Web Application Firewall (WAF) rules, to be applied across multiple spoke VNets.


Scenario: Your organization has multiple applications across different VNets, and you want to apply uniform security policies and simplify management.

2. Shared Resources and Services

Condition: If the Application Gateway serves multiple applications or services across different spoke VNets.

Rationale: Deploying the Application Gateway in the hub allows it to act as a shared resource, reducing the need for multiple gateways in each spoke.


Scenario: Multiple applications in different spokes require load balancing and WAF services.

3. Simplified Network Security

Condition: If you want to centralize inbound and outbound traffic control.

Rationale: A hub-based Application Gateway can centralize monitoring and security controls, making it easier to manage and audit.


Scenario: You want to consolidate logging, monitoring, and security policies at a single point.

Deploying Application Gateway in the Spoke Subnet

1. Isolated Workloads

Condition: If the applications in the spoke require isolated environments for security or compliance reasons.

Rationale: Deploying the Application Gateway in the spoke ensures that each application has its dedicated gateway, enhancing security isolation.


Scenario: A spoke VNet hosts a highly sensitive application that requires strict compliance and isolation from other workloads.

2. Distributed Traffic Management

Condition: If the application experiences heavy traffic that should be managed locally.

Rationale: Placing the Application Gateway in the spoke reduces latency and improves performance by keeping traffic management close to the application.


Scenario: An application in a spoke VNet experiences high traffic and needs to minimize latency for better performance.

3. Specific Security and Routing Policies

Condition: If different spokes require customized security policies or routing configurations.

Rationale: Deploying an Application Gateway in each spoke allows for tailored security and routing policies specific to the application hosted in that spoke.


Scenario: Different applications require unique WAF rules or traffic routing policies based on their specific needs.

Detailed Scenarios and Examples

Scenario 1: E-commerce Platform with Multiple Microservices


Hub: Contains shared resources like DNS, firewall, VPN gateways, and a centralized Application Gateway.

Spokes: Each spoke hosts different microservices (e.g., payment service, inventory service, user service).


Application Gateway in Hub: The centralized Application Gateway handles traffic for all microservices, applying consistent WAF policies and routing rules.

Rationale: Simplifies management and ensures uniform security policies across all microservices.

Scenario 2: Financial Services with Strict Compliance Requirements


Hub: Contains shared resources and centralized logging and monitoring services.

Spokes: Each spoke hosts a separate application with strict compliance requirements.


Application Gateway in Spoke: Each spoke has its own Application Gateway to ensure that traffic is managed and secured independently.

Rationale: Provides better isolation and compliance control for each application.

Scenario 3: Multi-Tenant SaaS Platform


Hub: Contains shared resources like identity management, logging, and monitoring services.

Spokes: Each spoke hosts a tenant-specific application environment.


Application Gateway in Hub: The centralized Application Gateway handles tenant traffic, with routing rules to direct traffic to the appropriate tenant environment.

Rationale: Simplifies routing and management, providing centralized control over tenant traffic.


The decision to deploy an Application Gateway in a hub subnet or a spoke subnet depends on your specific requirements for management, security, traffic patterns, and isolation. Centralized placement in the hub subnet simplifies management and control, while deployment in the spoke subnet offers better isolation and customization. By evaluating these criteria and understanding the needs of your applications and network, you can determine the most effective placement for your Application Gateway in an Azure hub-and-spoke topology. 

Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps is a suite of development tools provided by Microsoft, designed to support the entire development lifecycle of a software project, from planning and development through to testing and deployment. It offers an integrated set of features that facilitate collaboration among development teams and streamline software delivery. Azure DevOps can be used for any type of application, regardless of the framework, platform, or cloud. It offers both cloud services and on-premises options (Azure DevOps Server).

Components of Azure DevOps

1. Azure Boards

What is Azure Boards? Azure Boards is a service within Azure DevOps that offers a suite of Agile tools to support planning, tracking, and discussing projects at various scales. It is designed to help teams manage their software projects with tools that support agile methodologies like Scrum, Kanban, and mixed approaches.


  • Usage: Azure Boards provides project management tools to support agile development practices. It includes work items, Kanban boards, backlogs, sprints, and dashboards.
  • Importance: Helps teams plan, track progress, and discuss work across the team and stakeholders. It integrates with other services in Azure DevOps to provide comprehensive traceability of work.
  • Example: A development team can use Azure Boards to manage a sprint, tracking bugs, tasks, and user stories directly linked to the actual code changes and builds that are part of that sprint.

Key Features of Azure Boards:

  • Work Items: These are the building blocks of Azure Boards, representing tasks, user stories, bugs, features, and epics. They help teams organize and track the details of their work.
  • Kanban Boards: Visual boards that provide a comprehensive view of work in progress using customizable columns. They allow teams to see the flow of work at a glance and can be customized to match the team’s workflow.
  • Backlogs: Prioritized lists of work items that provide a sequential view of what needs to be done during a sprint or iteration. Backlogs make it easier to manage large projects by breaking them down into manageable tasks.
  • Sprints: Azure Boards supports sprint planning tools that allow teams to define their iterations, assign work, and track progress over the course of the sprint.
  • Dashboards and Reporting: Customizable dashboards are available to track important metrics and project statuses. Reports can be generated to provide insights into project health, team velocity, and workload balance.
  • Integrations: Azure Boards integrates seamlessly with other Azure DevOps services like Azure Repos and Azure Pipelines, allowing for traceability from backlog work items to the actual changes in the codebase and deployments.

Why Azure Boards is Important:

  • Enhanced Collaboration: Azure Boards improves collaboration across development teams and stakeholders with tools like comments, @mentions, and notifications. This facilitates clearer communication and faster decision-making.
  • Agile Project Management: By supporting various Agile practices, Azure Boards provides the flexibility to adapt to any team's methodology, helping to streamline project management and increase efficiency.
  • Visibility and Traceability: It provides high visibility into the project's progress and detailed traceability of changes, which helps in managing project scope, timelines, and delivery.

Example Usage Scenario:

  • Software Development Team: A team is working on a new feature for a software application. They use Azure Boards to create work items for each task associated with the feature, organize these tasks in a Kanban board to visualize workflow, and manage the sprint using the sprint planning tools. The team tracks progress through daily updates in Azure Boards and adjusts the workflow as necessary, ensuring that they meet their iteration goals.

Azure Boards is essential for teams looking to implement Agile practices effectively and manage complex software projects with ease. Its integration within Azure DevOps makes it a powerful tool for end-to-end planning, development, deployment, and monitoring of software projects.

2. Azure Repos

What is Azure Repos? Azure Repos provides version control and is a place for managing your code. It supports both Git (a distributed version control system) and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC), a centralized version control system. Azure Repos allows developers to collaborate on code in a secure and highly scalable environment.

  • Usage: Azure Repos provides Git repositories or Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) for source control of your code.
  • Importance: It offers powerful collaboration tools, such as pull requests with code reviews, branch policies for better team collaboration, and semantic code search to improve code management practices.
  • Example: Developers can use Azure Repos to host and review code, manage pull requests, and control access to ensure that only approved code makes it to production.

Key Features:

  • Git Repositories: Host, manage, and review your Git repositories in a centralized place with all the features of Git and GitHub like branching, tags, and pull requests.
  • TFVC Support: For teams that prefer a centralized version control system, TFVC offers features like shelving (setting aside changes temporarily), check-in policies, and gated check-in.
  • Semantic Code Search: Helps find specific code across all your projects efficiently.
  • Pull Requests and Code Reviews: Facilitate collaboration among team members, improve code quality, and share knowledge.
  • Integration with Azure Pipelines: Seamless integration with CI/CD pipelines for automating builds and deployments.



3. Azure Pipelines

What is CI/CD? Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) are practices designed to help in automating the process of software delivery. CI focuses on integrating work from individual developers into a main repository regularly, automatically testing each integration. CD extends that to automatically deploy all code changes to a testing and/or production environment after the build stage.

What is Azure Pipelines? Azure Pipelines is a cloud service that you can use to automatically build and test your code project and make it available to other users. It works with just about any project type or programming language and integrates with Azure Repos or any other Git provider.

  • Usage: Azure Pipelines is a CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) service that supports code deployment to any target or cloud.
  • Importance: It automates the process of building, testing, and deploying your application, which increases productivity and speed of delivery, while maintaining high standards of quality.
  • Example: A software team can automate the testing and deployment of a web application to Azure Web Apps every time there is a commit in the repository, ensuring rapid feedback on potential issues.

Key Features:

  • Works with Any Language or Platform: Pipelines support a range of languages and platforms including Node.js, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby, C/C++, .NET, Android, and iOS.
  • Integration: Connects with GitHub, Azure Repos, or any Git repository.
  • Complex Workflows: Supports multi-phase builds, testing environments, and deployment targets.
  • Hosted Agents: Provides cloud-hosted agents for Linux, macOS, and Windows, or you can use self-hosted agents.
  • Containers and Kubernetes: Supports Docker and Kubernetes for container-based builds and deployments.


4. Azure Test Plans 

What is Azure Test Plans? Azure Test Plans offer a suite of tools for testing software. It supports planned manual testing, user acceptance testing, exploratory testing, and gathering feedback from stakeholders. Test Plans is integrated with the rest of Azure DevOps, making it easy to trace bugs to their source commits.

  • Usage: Azure Test Plans offers a suite of tools for testing applications, including manual and exploratory testing tools.
  • Importance: It provides integrated test planning and management, which is essential for ensuring software quality and for aligning testing with customer needs.
  • Example: QA teams can use Azure Test Plans to conduct UI tests, load testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT), tracking defects directly linked to the code changes causing them.

Key Features:

  • Manual and Exploratory Testing Tools: Tools for planning, executing, and tracking tests.
  • Integration with Automation: Integrate automated tests by linking them to test cases.
  • Rich Debugging and Diagnostics: Capture rich data like screenshots, video recordings, and action logs during test execution.
  • Feedback Collection: Facilitates gathering feedback from end-users and stakeholders to ensure that the software meets the business needs and quality standards.

 5. Azure Artifacts

What is Azure Artifacts? Azure Artifacts allows you to create, host, and share packages with your team. It supports NuGet, npm, Maven package formats, and more. Artifacts are integrated with Azure Pipelines for continuous integration and delivery.

  • Usage: Azure Artifacts allows teams to create, host, and share packages from public and private sources and integrate package sharing into pipelines.
  • Importance: It supports complex development workflows where dependencies or packages need to be shared across projects or with the public.
  • Example: Developers can share NuGet, npm, or Maven packages across their organization, enabling reuse of code and ensuring consistency in dependencies.

Key Features:

  • Package Management: Supports multiple package formats including NuGet, npm, Maven, Python, and Universal Packages.
  • Integration: Seamlessly works with Azure Pipelines for adding package steps to CI/CD workflows.
  • Sharing and Versioning: Easy sharing and version control of packages within your organization or with the public.

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