Deciding the Placement of Application Gateway: Hub vs. Spoke Subnet

The decision to place an Application Gateway in a hub subnet or a spoke subnet in an Azure virtual network (VNet) topology depends on several factors, including network architecture, traffic patterns, management complexity, and security requirements. Here’s a guide to help determine the best placement:

Hub-and-Spoke Network Topology

Hub: A central VNet that acts as a shared resource zone and typically contains common services such as AD, DNS, firewall, and VPN gateways.

Spoke: Individual VNets that host specific workloads or applications. These VNets are connected to the hub through VNet peering.

Criteria for Deciding Placement

Deploying Application Gateway in the Hub Subnet

1. Centralized Management and Control

Condition: If you prefer to manage security and routing policies centrally.

Rationale: Centralizing the Application Gateway in the hub allows for consistent security policies, such as Web Application Firewall (WAF) rules, to be applied across multiple spoke VNets.


Scenario: Your organization has multiple applications across different VNets, and you want to apply uniform security policies and simplify management.

2. Shared Resources and Services

Condition: If the Application Gateway serves multiple applications or services across different spoke VNets.

Rationale: Deploying the Application Gateway in the hub allows it to act as a shared resource, reducing the need for multiple gateways in each spoke.


Scenario: Multiple applications in different spokes require load balancing and WAF services.

3. Simplified Network Security

Condition: If you want to centralize inbound and outbound traffic control.

Rationale: A hub-based Application Gateway can centralize monitoring and security controls, making it easier to manage and audit.


Scenario: You want to consolidate logging, monitoring, and security policies at a single point.

Deploying Application Gateway in the Spoke Subnet

1. Isolated Workloads

Condition: If the applications in the spoke require isolated environments for security or compliance reasons.

Rationale: Deploying the Application Gateway in the spoke ensures that each application has its dedicated gateway, enhancing security isolation.


Scenario: A spoke VNet hosts a highly sensitive application that requires strict compliance and isolation from other workloads.

2. Distributed Traffic Management

Condition: If the application experiences heavy traffic that should be managed locally.

Rationale: Placing the Application Gateway in the spoke reduces latency and improves performance by keeping traffic management close to the application.


Scenario: An application in a spoke VNet experiences high traffic and needs to minimize latency for better performance.

3. Specific Security and Routing Policies

Condition: If different spokes require customized security policies or routing configurations.

Rationale: Deploying an Application Gateway in each spoke allows for tailored security and routing policies specific to the application hosted in that spoke.


Scenario: Different applications require unique WAF rules or traffic routing policies based on their specific needs.

Detailed Scenarios and Examples

Scenario 1: E-commerce Platform with Multiple Microservices


Hub: Contains shared resources like DNS, firewall, VPN gateways, and a centralized Application Gateway.

Spokes: Each spoke hosts different microservices (e.g., payment service, inventory service, user service).


Application Gateway in Hub: The centralized Application Gateway handles traffic for all microservices, applying consistent WAF policies and routing rules.

Rationale: Simplifies management and ensures uniform security policies across all microservices.

Scenario 2: Financial Services with Strict Compliance Requirements


Hub: Contains shared resources and centralized logging and monitoring services.

Spokes: Each spoke hosts a separate application with strict compliance requirements.


Application Gateway in Spoke: Each spoke has its own Application Gateway to ensure that traffic is managed and secured independently.

Rationale: Provides better isolation and compliance control for each application.

Scenario 3: Multi-Tenant SaaS Platform


Hub: Contains shared resources like identity management, logging, and monitoring services.

Spokes: Each spoke hosts a tenant-specific application environment.


Application Gateway in Hub: The centralized Application Gateway handles tenant traffic, with routing rules to direct traffic to the appropriate tenant environment.

Rationale: Simplifies routing and management, providing centralized control over tenant traffic.


The decision to deploy an Application Gateway in a hub subnet or a spoke subnet depends on your specific requirements for management, security, traffic patterns, and isolation. Centralized placement in the hub subnet simplifies management and control, while deployment in the spoke subnet offers better isolation and customization. By evaluating these criteria and understanding the needs of your applications and network, you can determine the most effective placement for your Application Gateway in an Azure hub-and-spoke topology. 

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