Azure Migrate

Azure Migrate

Well the ideal or basic steps in any migration are discover what to migrate and how to migrate and once migration is done then optimize to get the best output or benefit. Similarly, when we migrate to the cloud from on-premises we must go through Discover, Migrate and Optimize. There are various tools in the market to perform the discovery and come up with the assessment. In this article, we will be discussing Azure Migrate that’s inbuilt in Azure now and you can create your Migrate project and perform the task for the successful migration.

Azure Migrate is appliance based and agent-less, which perform non-intrusive discovery of on-prem workloads and Assessment of discovered workloads which includes:

1.      Azure readiness summary: Which of your on-premises machines are suitable for Azure?
2.      Size recommendations: What are the appropriate Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine sizes and Azure disk sizes based on the performance history of the on-premises virtual machine?
3.      Monthly costs: The estimated cost for running the machines in Azure.

Azure migrate bases the assessment on several values that we will check latter for now below are the things that you need to keep in mind –

Target location: By default, Azure Migrate assumes the Azure location to which you want to migrate is the location in which you create the migration project.

Storage redundancy: What is the type of storage that the Azure Virtual Machines will use after migration? Currently Azure Migrate supports only Locally redundant storage (LRS).

Pricing plans: You can specify whether you're enrolled in Software Assurance and can use the Azure Hybrid Use Benefit, and whether you have any Azure offers that should be applied. You can also specify any subscription-specific discount (in a percentage) that you might be getting on top of the offer.

Pricing tier: Azure Migrate takes Azure Virtual Machine tier pricing into account to meet your exact requirements. By default, the Standard tier is used.

Azure Migrate primarily supports Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)-based assessments for lift-and-shift migrations. However, during the discovery process, if database servers are found, Azure migrate will recommend the use of Azure Database Migration Service and for others ASR.

Steps for Using Azure Migrate:

1.      Create a migration project in Azure.

2.      Azure discovers information about on-premises machines using a virtual machine called the Collector Appliance. Download the appliance setup file, which is in Open Virtualization Appliance (.ova) format, and import the file into the on-premises vCenter server as a virtual machine.

3.      After you've created the Collector virtual machine, connect to it and run the Collector.

4.      The collector service uses VMware PowerCLI cmdlets to collect metadata about the on-premises virtual machines from the vCenter Server. Note this is an agentless discovery and you do not need to install anything on the ESXi hosts or the virtual machines for metadata collection.

5.      The collector service collects information about virtual machines, including cores, memory, disks and disk sizes, and network adapters. It also collects performance data for the virtual machines, including CPU and memory use, disk IOPS, disk throughput (MBps), and network output (MBps). Collected metadata is then pushed to the Azure Migrate project and can be viewed in the Azure portal.

6.      You can then create an assessment for a group of virtual machines in the Azure Migrate portal. The assessment report can be viewed in the portal, or it can be downloaded in an Excel format. The assessment report includes information about Azure readiness,

Steps covered by Azure Migrate -

1.      Prepare your environment.
2.      Discover virtual machines.
3.      Group virtual machines
4.      Assess the groups of virtual machines

We have mentioned the basic 4 steps covered by the Azure Migrate in order to provide the Discovery report and assessment. Let’s see one by one –

Step 1: Prepare your environment
Start by confirming you have met the prerequisites for using Azure Migrate.
Azure Migrate prerequisites -
1. To get started with Azure Migrate, you need a Microsoft Azure account or the free trial.
2. Assess VMware Virtual machines located on vSphere ESXi hosts that are managed with a vCenter server running version 5.5, 6.0. or 6.5
3. The ESXi host or cluster on which the collector VM runs must be running version 5.0 or later.
4. To discover virtual machines, Azure Migrate needs an account with read-only administrator credentials for the vCenter server.

5.  Create a vCenter virtual machine in .ova format. Download an appliance and import it to the vCenter server to create the virtual machine. The virtual machine must be able to connect to the internet to send metadata to Azure.

6. Set statistics settings for the vCenter server to statistics level 2 or 3. The default Level 1 will work, but Azure Migrate won't be able to collect data for performance-based sizing for storage.

After you complete the prerequisites, you have the option to tag your virtual machines to help accelerate assessments. Alternatively, you can group the virtual machines later, after discovery.

Tag your Virtual Machine in vCenter for ease as, Planning migrations is easier when you tag the virtual machines you want to migrate. Using tags, you can jumpstart the assessment, because the Collector automatically creates groups of virtual machines for you based on the tag values. However, this is an optional step and if you do not have tags in vCenter server, you can group virtual machines using the Azure Migrate service.

Use these steps to tag your virtual machines in vCenter server.

1. In the VMware vSphere Web Client, navigate to the vCenter server instance.
2. To review current tags, click Tags.
3. To tag a virtual machine, click Related Objects > Virtual Machines, and select the virtual machine.
4. In Summary > Tags, click Assign.
5. Click New Tag, and specify a tag name and description.
6. To create a category for the tag, select New Category in the drop-down list.

Step 2: Discover virtual machines

Using Azure Migrate to discover on-premises workloads involves these steps.

1. Create a Project.
2. Download the Collector appliance.
3. Create the Collector virtual machine.
4. Run the Collector to discover virtual machines.
5. Verify discovered virtual machines in the portal.

Create Project:
Azure Migrate projects hold the metadata of your on-premises machines and enables you to assess migration suitability.

Use these steps to create a project –
Search for Migration and provide the information for the project.

Download the Collector appliance

The Collector appliance is a single file in Open Virtualization Appliance (.ova) format that you download and run on an on-premises environment to discover on-premises workloads. Follow these steps to download the Collector.

1. Select the project, and click Discover & Assess on the Overview blade.
2. Click Discover Machines, and then click Download.

NOTE: There are 2 type of appliance download appropriate appliance based on your preference –
a.      One-Time discovery
b.      Continuous discovery (preview)

3. Copy the Project ID and project key values to use when you configure the Collector.

Create the Collector virtual machine –

In the vCenter Server, import the Collector appliance as a virtual machine using the Deploy OVF Template wizard.

1.      In vSphere Client console, click File > Deploy OVF Template.

2.      In the Deploy OVF Template Wizard > Source, specify the location for the .ovf file.

3.      In Name and Location, specify a friendly name for the Collector virtual machine, the inventory object in which the virtual machine will be hosted.

4.      In Host/Cluster, specify the host or cluster on which the Collector virtual machine will run.

5.      In Storage, specify the storage destination for the Collector virtual machine.

6.      In Disk Format, specify the disk type and size.

7.      In Network Mapping, specify the network to which the Collector virtual machine will connect. The network must be connected to the internet to send metadata to Azure.

8.      Review and confirm the settings, and then click Finish

Run the Collector to discover virtual machines –

1.      In the vSphere Client console, right-click the virtual machine > Open Console

2.      Provide the language, time zone, and password preferences for the appliance & Run collector short-cut on the desktop, check for updates.

3.      In the Azure Migrate Collector, open Set Up Prerequisites, and then

4.       Accept the license terms, and read the third-party information.

5.      The Collector checks that the virtual machine has internet access. If the virtual machine accesses the internet via a proxy, click Proxy settings, and specify the proxy address and listening port. Specify credentials if proxy access needs authentication.

6.      The Collector checks that the Windows profiler service is running. The service is installed by default on the Collector virtual machine.

7.      Select to download and install the VMware PowerCLI.

8.       In Specify vCenter Server details, do the following:

·        Specify the name (FQDN) or IP address of the vCenter server and the read-only account that Collector will use to discover virtual machines on the vCenter server.
·        Select a scope for virtual machine discovery. The Collector can only discover virtual machines within the specified scope. Scope can be set to a specific folder, datacenter, or cluster, but it shouldn't contain more than 1000 virtual machines.
·        If you’re using tagging on the vCenter server, select tag categories for virtual machine grouping. Azure Migrate automatically groups virtual machines based on tag values in the category. If you're not using tagging, you can group virtual machines in the Azure portal.

9.      In Specify migration project, specify the Azure Migrate project ID and key that you copied from the portal
10.   In View collection progress, monitor discovery status about what data is collected by the Azure Migrate collector.

Verify VMs in the portal –
For one-time discovery, the discovery time depends on how many VMs you are discovering. Typically, for 100 VMs, after the collector finishes running, it takes around an hour for configuration and performance data collection to complete. You can create assessments (both performance-based and as on-premises assessments) immediately after the discovery is done.

For continuous discovery (in preview), the collector will continuously profile the on-premises environment and will keep sending the performance data at an hour interval. It is strongly recommended to wait for at least a day before creating any performance-based assessments for the VMs.
1.      In the migration project, click Manage > Machines.
2.      Check that the VMs you want to discover appear in the portal.

Create and view an assessment

After VMs are discovered, you group them and create an assessment.
1.      In the project Overview page, click +Create assessment.
2.      Click View all to review the assessment properties.
3.      Create the group, and specify a group name.
4.      Select the machines that you want to add to the group.
5.      Click Create Assessment, to create the group and the assessment.
6.      After the assessment is created, view it in Overview > Dashboard.
7.      Click Export assessment, to download it as an Excel file.

Assessment details

An assessment includes information about whether the on-premises VMs are compatible for Azure, what would be the right VM size for running the VM in Azure and the estimated monthly Azure costs.

Azure readiness

The Azure readiness view in the assessment shows the readiness status of each VM. Depending on the properties of the VM, each VM can be marked as:
·        Ready for Azure
·        Conditionally ready for Azure
·        Not ready for Azure
·        Readiness unknown

Points in consideration –
Ø  For VMs that are ready, Azure Migrate recommends a VM size in Azure. The size recommendation done by Azure Migrate depends on the sizing criterion specified in the assessment properties.
Ø  If the sizing criterion is performance-based sizing, the size recommendation is done by considering the performance history of the VMs (CPU and memory) and disks (IOPS and throughput). 
Ø  If the sizing criterion is 'as on-premises', Azure Migrate does not consider the performance data for the VM and disks. The recommendation for the VM size in Azure is done by looking at the size of the VM on-premises and the disk sizing is done based on the Storage type specified in the assessment properties (default is premium disks).
Ø  For VMs that aren't ready or conditionally ready for Azure, Azure Migrate explains the readiness issues, and provides remediation steps.
Ø  The VMs for which Azure Migrate cannot identify Azure readiness (due to data unavailability) are marked as readiness unknown.

Monthly cost estimate

This view shows the total compute and storage cost of running the VMs in Azure along with the details for each machine. Cost estimates are calculated considering the size recommendations done by Azure Migrate for a machine, its disks, and the assessment properties.

Confidence rating

Each performance-based assessment in Azure Migrate is associated with a confidence rating that ranges from 1 star to 5 star (1 star being the lowest and 5 star being the highest). The confidence rating is assigned to an assessment based on the availability of data points needed to compute the assessment. The confidence rating of an assessment helps you estimate the reliability of the size recommendations provided by Azure Migrate. Confidence rating is not applicable to as on-premises assessments.

For performance-based sizing, Azure Migrate needs the utilization data for CPU, memory of the VM. Additionally, for every disk attached to the VM, it needs the disk IOPS and throughput data. Similarly for each network adapter attached to a VM, Azure Migrate needs the network in/out to do performance-based sizing. If any of the above utilization numbers are not available in vCenter Server, the size recommendation done by Azure Migrate may not be reliable.

For details click here

About Collector Appliance – It’s a lightweight appliance for the assessment of the vCenter environment.
Collector Pre-Req :
Ø  Internet Connection
Ø  Time Sync
Ø  Collector Service running
Ø  VMWare PowerCLI installed
Collector Communication chart –

Performance-based sizing

For performance-based sizing, Azure Migrate starts with the disks attached to the VM, followed by network adapters and then maps an Azure VM based on the compute requirements of the on-premises VM.
·        Storage: Azure Migrate tries to map every disk attached to the machine to a disk in Azure.
Azure Migrate supports only managed disks for assessment.
o   To get the effective disk I/O per second (IOPS) and throughput (MBps), Azure Migrate multiplies the disk IOPS and the throughput with the comfort factor. Based on the effective IOPS and throughput values, Azure Migrate identifies if the disk should be mapped to a standard or premium disk in Azure.
o   If Azure Migrate can't find a disk with the required IOPS & throughput, it marks the machine as unsuitable for Azure. Learn more about Azure limits per disk and VM.
o   If it finds a set of suitable disks, Azure Migrate selects the ones that support the storage redundancy method, and the location specified in the assessment settings.
o   If there are multiple eligible disks, it selects the one with the lowest cost.
o   If performance data for disks in unavailable, all the disks are mapped to standard disks in Azure.
·        Network: Azure Migrate tries to find an Azure VM that can support the number of network adapters attached to the on-premises machine and the performance required by these network adapters.
o   To get the effective network performance of the on-premises VM, Azure Migrate aggregates the data transmitted per second (MBps) out of the machine (network out), across all network adapters, and applies the comfort factor. This number is used to find an Azure VM that can support the required network performance.
o   Along with network performance, it also considers if the Azure VM can support the required the number of network adapters.
o   If no network performance data is available, only the network adapters count is considered for VM sizing.
·        Compute: After storage and network requirements are calculated, Azure Migrate considers CPU and memory requirements to find a suitable VM size in Azure.
o   Azure Migrate looks at the utilized cores and memory, and applies the comfort factor to get the effective cores and memory. Based on that number, it tries to find a suitable VM size in Azure.
o   If no suitable size is found, the machine is marked as unsuitable for Azure.
o   If a suitable size is found, Azure Migrate applies the storage and networking calculations. It then applies location and pricing tier settings, for the final VM size recommendation.
o   If there are multiple eligible Azure VM sizes, the one with the lowest cost is recommended.

As on-premises sizing

If the sizing criterion is as on-premises sizing, Azure Migrate does not consider the performance history of the VMs and disks and allocates a VM SKU in Azure based on the size allocated on-premises. Similarly for disk sizing, it looks at the Storage type specified in assessment properties (Standard/Premium) and recommends the disk type accordingly. Default storage type is Premium disks.


Dependency visualization

Dependency visualization in Azure Migrate allows you to create high-confidence groups for migration assessments. Using dependency visualization you can view network dependencies of machines and identify related machines that needed to be migrated together to Azure. This functionality is useful in scenarios where you are not completely aware of the machines that constitute your application and need to be migrated together to Azure.
·        To leverage dependency visualization, you need to associate a Log Analytics workspace, either new or existing, with an Azure Migrate project.
·        You can only create or attach a workspace in the same subscription where the migration project is created.
·        To attach a Log Analytics workspace to a project, go to Essentials section of the project Overview page and click Requires configuration & create workspace on the same region
·        The associated workspace is tagged with the key Migration Project, and value project name, which you can use to search in the Azure portal.
To use dependency visualization, you need to download and install agents on each on-premises machine that you want to analyze.
·        Microsoft Monitoring agent(MMA) needs to be installed on each machine.
·        The Dependency agent needs to be installed on each machine.
·        In addition, if you have machines with no internet connectivity, you need to download and install Log Analytics gateway on them.
You don't need these agents on machines you want to assess unless you're using dependency visualization.

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