Kubernetes Architecture – Lets go through it

Lets directly jump into the Architecture with out wasting any time. Kubernetes work as on Master and worker node architecture. In total Kubernetes has 7 components out of which 4 belongs to Master node and 3 belongs to worker node as described and shown below:

Master Node components:

1.     API Server
2.     Controller Manager
3.     ETCD
4.     Scheduler

Worker Node components:

1.     Kube-proxy
2.     Kubelet
3.     Runtime

Let’s discuss these components one by one –

MASTER NODE – As the name suggests it is the master for the cluster and entry point for all the administrative tasks which is responsible for managing the Kubernetes cluster.

There can be one or more than one Master inside a cluster for fault tolerance & high availability. Let’s check each component which are responsible to make a node Master.

-        API SERVER
This is the front end for the Kubernetes control plane. All API calls are sent to this server and server send commands to the other services.

No component talks to each other directly , API server is responsible for all the communication.

-        Etcd
This is the Key Value store for the cluster. When an object is created, that objects state is stored here.

Etcd acts as the reference for the cluster state. If the cluster differs from what is indicated in Etcd, cluster would change to match the declared state. For e.g 2 Pods supposed to run with certain image or task if any pods gets deleted it would automatically create one more to match the state.

-        Scheduler
When a new pod is created scheduler determines which node should run it & this decision is based on many factors including hardware, workload’s, affinity etc.

-        Controller Manager
It operates the cluster controllers –
·       Node Controller – Responsible for noticing and responding when nodes go down.
·       Replication Controller – responsible for maintaining the correct number of pods for every replication controller object in the system
·       Endpoints Controller – Populates the endpoint objects i.e. joins services and pods
·       Service Accounts & Token Controllers – creates default accounts and API access tokens for new namespaces

Below is the Architecture diagram and you can see each component and their communication flow

Worker Node (minions) – It is a physical server or VM which runs the applications using Pods which is controlled by the Master node. 

“Pods are the smallest working unit of Kubernetes just like container of Docker” or you can say Kubernetes doesn’t run containers instead it wraps one or more containers into a higher-level structure called POD. Pods are used as the unit of replication in Kubernetes.

Lets check the components of Worker Nodes –

-        This runs on the nodes and provides network connectivity for services on the nodes that connect to the pods.

-        It serves as a network proxy and a load balancer for a service on a single worker node and manages the network routing for TCP and UDP packets.

-        Kube-proxy runs on each node to deal with individual host sub-netting and ensure that the services are available to external parties.

-        It is an agent which communicates with the Master node and executes on nodes or the worker nodes. It gets the Pod specifications through the API server and executes the containers associated with the Pod and ensures that the containers described in those Pod are running and healthy.

Container Runtime:
-      This is the container manager. It can be any container runtime that is compliant with the Open Container initiative such as Docker or to run and manage a container’s lifecycle, we need a container runtime on the worker node.

-        Sometimes, Docker is also referred to as a container runtime, but to be precise, Docker is a platform which uses containers as a container runtime. 


  1. Nice blog. You have provided such a useful informartion in this blog. Thanks for sharing.
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